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9 November 2020/Care homes

Forbes helps the care industry adhere to stringent laundry regulations.

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Hannah Forbes

Hannah Forbes

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Forbes helps the care industry adhere to stringent laundry regulations.

For any care environment, the laundry operation has always been a central part of infection control, and establishing a hygienic process has never been more pressing than today. We have been very busy this year both carrying out installations and supporting our existing clients from within the care and health sectors. This pandemic has truly underpinned the importance of not only choosing the right machines, but of ensuring compliance and serviceability.

There are very specific requirements to which the care sector must adhere. For full compliance, The Department of Health’s CFPP 01-14 guidelines state that for care homes each wash cycle must provide the requisite levels of disinfection. Machines must be also approved to WRAS category 5 due to elevated risks of contamination.  In order to meet stringent laundry hygiene standards, PPE is essential, as are established processes to enable efficient transportation and procedural segregation of clean and soiled items. As standard, CFPP 01-04 requires that laundry is washed in a commercial washing machine at the highest possible temperature. For enhanced hygiene requirements, all washing cycles must have a thermal disinfection cycle that reaches 71 for at least three minutes, or 65 for at least ten minutes.

Forbes is proud to be partnered with Miele which enables us to provide highly efficient commercial laundry solutions to care homes and the NHS. The new, highly programmable and user-friendly Little Giant range from Miele provides thermal disinfection at 85 for 15 minutes to kill viruses and bacteria. It is also WRAS approved to category 5 and delivers faster wash cycles and impressively low energy consumption, making it an ideal choice for any care environment.  Our Complete Care laundry solutions include a complementary site survey, free installation, commissioning and user training as well as a first-class service support, at no extra cost for the life of the contract.

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