Forbes Advises Upon Ensuring CQC Requirements for Infection Control

Hannah Forbes
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Infection control is critical in care homes, where laundry processes play a vital role in hygiene management. Care homes face increased pressure and scrutiny with changes to the Care Quality Commission inspection framework, and it is absolutely fundamental that care homes know how to safely ensure efficient infection control across all areas. CQC inspections place heavy emphasis on evidence-based infection control practices, including rigorous checks on laundry processes. Compliance with these standards is essential to safeguard residents, maintain trust, and achieve strong CQC ratings.
There are various way to ensure the right levels of hygiene control; you should employ thermal and/ or chemical disinfection. Ozone is one of the disinfection options that can be successful, but it is essential to adhere to HSE recommendations, take appropriate safety precautions, and use control measures as outlined by COSHH as use of this powerful oxidant does carry potential health risks. Forbes Professional offers care homes alternatives to Ozone systems, that still meet the most exacting hygiene requirements. Their Miele commercial laundry machines enable sluice, thermal and chemical disinfection, to meet all the industry requirements of WRAS and CQC. When paired with Forbes’ advanced chemical detergents, which kill pathogens even at low temperatures, these commercial machines deliver a complete laundry solution for optimal infection control.
Forbes understands that care homes require tailored solutions. Their industry specialists work closely with operators to recommend the right commercial machines to meet their specific needs. Beyond installation, they offer award-winning service support to ensure ongoing compliance and operational efficiency.
For any care home, laundry is a key part of infection control. It is imperative that appropriate commercial laundry equipment is used within a care setting, and that there is a reliable partnership in place for service and maintenance. By choosing Miele’s technology and Forbes Professional’s expert support, care homes can safely and effectively meet stringent hygiene standards.