Care Homes Inspected by Water Board for Regulation Compliance

Hannah Forbes
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In the UK, the installation of any product which will receive or carry water from the public mains must be compliant with the Water Supply Regulations, or the Scottish Water Bylaws. The regulations state that there must not be unnecessary waste, or undue consumption of water. The guidelines also stipulate that all appliances must have the requisite back-flow protection, in order to prevent contamination of the water supply.
A risk assessment deciphers the 'Fluid (risk) Category' and the resulting level of protection that is required. Care homes are amongst the premises that pose the highest risk of contamination to the mains water supply and therefore fall within the highest risk category- Fluid Category 5.
Forbes Professional has been approached by a number of care homes that have been subject to an on-site inspection by the local water board enforcement officers. If laundry or dishwashing appliances are decreed to pose a risk of contamination, the waterboard will insist that measures are put in place immediately to ensure that there is no back-flow into public water supplies. Domestic machines alone will not suffice in these environments as they do not offer adequate protection.
Forbes is proud to supply Miele Professional's commercial laundry products and dishwashers, which have all been certified as WRAS approved. As such, not only will they comply with all water board stipulations but they will prove to be cost efficient to run, in terms of both water and energy consumption.
Forbes Professional always provides a complimentary on site survey for any business that is having issues with WRAS compliance. We apply our industry expertise and consultative approach in order to devise a bespoke solution for any environment, in accordance with all the necessary regulations.
After delivery, clients have the peace of mind afforded not only by the knowledge that they will be fully WRAS compliant, but also by the backup provided with our Complete Care package. We offer access to premium equipment with no costly initial outlay and a comprehensive same day engineer response service.
Care homes must ensure full compliance with water regulations - read about it here ...