Forbes' rental model supports clients' sustainability targets

Hannah Forbes
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With sustainability becoming an increasingly important consideration when making procurement decisions, organisations need to look away from linear purchasing models and towards more economically sensitive strategies. Buying appliances outright can lead to logistical servicing problems as well as resourcing inefficiencies and dilemmas over how to responsibly dispose of equipment when it is replaced. Forbes is often approached by prospective clients who are looking to achieve a greater service assurance as well as to source a more sustainable solution than purchasing. With regeneration at the very core of the rental model, it represents an alluring alternative to purchase and supports the circular economy that we are all attempting to transition towards. Rental produces minimal waste and keeps products at their highest use and value at all times. As fewer new resources are used there is inherently going to be a lesser cost to the environment. A significant movement towards a circular economy can be noted across both commercial and consumer markets as society becomes more mindful of our ecological responsibilities, and less concerned with the concept of ownership. Increasingly, we look to lease cars and mobile phones, tyres and furniture are rented, we read e-books and we use subscriptions for music access and television services. Consumption without conviction or conscience is not a scalable strategy going forward. Thankfully, society is now accustomed to the concept of paying for access to a service or commodity and it is becoming the norm to lease, recycle and re-use.
Public Sector organisations are acutely aware of their environmental responsibilities, and have to ensure strict adherence to stringent sustainability policies and targets. Consequently, rental is an ideal solution. They can have access to the latest technology with a comprehensive support knowing that, when beyond repair or when they are upgraded, all products will always be re-furbished and re-used. When domestic machines have been employed, the products will be leased back into the community on a consumer supply basis, which gives an additional social value to our clients. The leasing model recalibrates economy with durability and resource efficiency, ensuring our commitment to sourcing the most reliable products on the market. It represents a more viable economic consumption model for a wide range of products and the benefits extend beyond the direct impact for the client and the end user.