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8 September 2015/Company

Forbes Professional Welcomes Care Providers at the Caring UK Conference and Exhibition

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Hannah Forbes

Hannah Forbes

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Forbes Professional Welcomes Care Providers at the Caring UK Conference and Exhibition

Forbes Professional is delighted to be at Caring UK's Care Providers' Conference 2015 in Torquay today. We have had a great start to the morning, catching up with existing clients as well as advising other delegates as to the latest laundry and information solutions for the care sector.

Gill and Ian Russell standing on the Forbes Professional stand at Caring UK's Care Providers' Conference 2015 in Torquay 

With the impending growth forecast for resident requirements, the show is entitled 'Shaping the Future of Care.' Forbes is well positioned to guide care homes through the latest technological advances, and our Complete Care package gives access to premium products with no initial capital outlay and a comprehensive backup service.

Gill and Ian Russell will welcome all visitors to the stand, and will be happy to consult on Miele commercial laundry solutions. They will also be demonstrating our innovative information channels and digital signage options for healthcare TV.

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